Note 9302

Date/Time From:2018-07-26 @ 2000
Date/Time To:2018-07-26 @ 2140
Observer:Lori Stebbins
Time Entered:2018-07-26 23:40:39
Time Updated:2018-07-26 23:55:42
Time Uploaded:2018-07-26 23:55:43
Submitted to:
Note:Regular concerted minors, though not what I would call tall, about every minute with at least 3 "oh my" surges. A full on pause alternated with the play. Occasional angled burst from NV to tree tops (in concert with SV). Nice audible cascade about 2025 and another 20 minutes later. Then several more 6-10 minutes apart. Very rumbly the later it got. Felt upper platform shake under me with a concerted surge about 2130. Made me stay past dark! Nice sunset and moonrise.

Glad to see it improved after I left.
Entrant: Kitt B
Time Entered:2018-07-27 01:30:37
Time Uploaded:2018-07-27 01:30:38
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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