Eruption 35625

ERUPTION LOCKED!:This eruption is LOCKED please contact an admin if there is an issue with this entry.
Time Entered:2012-05-14 22:54:35
Time Uploaded:2012-05-14 22:54:35
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Note the electronic version of the OFVC logbook shows this entry as "vr."
Entrant: LynnS
Time Entered:2013-05-03 22:52:01
Time Uploaded:2013-05-03 22:52:01
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From Martinez (1972) report: "The eruption of Giantess on the 23rd through the 25th disrupted several springs on Geyser Hill. The eruption was a water phase type with no concluding steam phase. Aurum Geyser became noticably [sic] more frequent. Plume was erupting every 24 minutes for 3 days afterwards. Pools near the boardwalk at the Beehive Geyser filled to within an inch of the top. Scissors Spring would occasionally show why it is so named by overflowing for about 10 minutes. This occurred frequently on the 25th but slowly became less frequent later that week until stopping completely. Springs near Beach Spring ebbed several inches after Giantess finished erupting. Two days after Giantess began [maybe this was supposed to be stopped...?] erupting her crater was once again overflowing."
Entrant: mhreed
Time Entered:2021-10-27 13:17:55
Time Uploaded:2021-10-27 13:17:55
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