Last Known Eruption
2y 275d 5h 39m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
25 Oct 2021 @ 1322 ie6d 10m
19 Oct 2021 @ 1312 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count1
Min6d 10m
Max6d 10m
Mean6d 10m
Median6d 10m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22363 06 Jul 2022 @ 1318 --- cb Water level is highest ive ever observed. Up 6" above the white high water mark. roiling boil. clear
22326 04 Jul 2022 @ 1541 --- cb pool high, past the white high water mark with a very vigorous (not witches hat) boil
22159 27 Jun 2022 @ 1837 --- MAB Below the light band vigorous clear boil
22162 27 Jun 2022 @ 1229 --- MAB fullest I've seen this season covering sinter rim w strong boil
22086 23 Jun 2022 @ 1617 --- cb pool high with a nice boil
21702 03 Jun 2022 @ 1927 --- MAB hard to see water level in the lighting - have pics - may have been above the light band - strong right side boil
21705 03 Jun 2022 @ 1213 --- MAB water level below light band - moderate center boil
21621 31 May 2022 @ 1129 --- novakg Water down 6 to 8 inches from yesterday's observation. There was a boil in the pool.
21583 30 May 2022 @ 1035 --- novakg waves and light boil.
21441 23 May 2022 @ 1843 23 May 2022 @ 1849 MAB audible boils heard from Palpitator - looks like same water level morphing between center and right boils - both quite vigorous
21444 23 May 2022 @ 1555 23 May 2022 @ 1604 MAB strong pointy boil seen when exiting from trees at a little distance - strong doming center boils then more pointy boil right side morphing back to center boil - may be a tad fuller close to light band or could be an illusion from the waves
21452 23 May 2022 @ 1304 --- MAB inch plus below light band - vigorous right side boil
21290 15 May 2022 @ 1920 --- MAB looked same as 1300 but hard to see water level in backlit steam - moderate center boil
21297 15 May 2022 @ 1301 --- MAB below light band - right side boil
21235 11 May 2022 @ 1925 --- MAB still below light band w agitated waters and vigorous boils from center and right side
21241 11 May 2022 @ 1253 --- MAB below light band w boil on right
21197 06 May 2022 @ 1930 --- MAB still below light band - strong pointy boils on right
21201 06 May 2022 @ 1313 --- MAB inch below light band- strong boil more to the right than center
21090 26 Apr 2022 @ 1849 --- MAB same water level or a smidge lower - stronger boil- brief stop - nothing above ground seen from Spiney Springs Complex today - too windy to listen for splashes
21096 26 Apr 2022 @ 1611 --- MAB maybe an inch below light band
21098 26 Apr 2022 @ 1304 --- MAB below the light band
21019 18 Apr 2022 @ 1610 --- MAB below light band still or again - saw one of those pointy wizard hat boils as I was leaving
21024 18 Apr 2022 @ 1307 --- MAB low - below the light band - steady boil - NBK3 Spiny Springs Complex appeared quiet at my brief stop
20326 06 Nov 2021 @ 1606 --- MAB still low- waves going over the light band - could be rising or from the winds
20328 06 Nov 2021 @ 1208 --- MAB still low
20331 06 Nov 2021 @ 1114 --- MAB way below light band w doming center boil
20334 06 Nov 2021 @ 0818 --- MAB Low with strong center boil - below the light band
20293 04 Nov 2021 @ 1635 --- MAB down a foot almost below the lighter band but not quite
20297 04 Nov 2021 @ 1256 --- MAB 4in from top dark sinter rim
20305 04 Nov 2021 @ 1138 --- MAB about an inch below the light band - doming center boil
20308 04 Nov 2021 @ 0839 --- MAB low - at top of the light band
20245 31 Oct 2021 @ 1704 --- MAB nearly full
20246 31 Oct 2021 @ 1310 --- MAB even lower - 2in below light band
20248 31 Oct 2021 @ 1244 31 Oct 2021 @ 1254 MAB even lower - watched cycling from wide sizzles to pointy bursts - one series a good 18in
20254 31 Oct 2021 @ 1102 --- MAB down 10in - steam n north wind hides the boil
20252 31 Oct 2021 @ 1009 --- MAB further drop - down 1 foot
20257 31 Oct 2021 @ 0845 --- MAB Full full full - center boil
20196 29 Oct 2021 @ 1630 --- MAB below the light band - seemed to have more boil from right side
20198 29 Oct 2021 @ 1209 --- MAB steady boil - water level below the light band
20203 29 Oct 2021 @ 0900 --- MAB low - below the light band
20168 28 Oct 2021 @ 1706 --- MAB more light band exposed so lower than @ 1530
20172 28 Oct 2021 @ 1530 --- MAB Low - below the light banc
20141 27 Oct 2021 @ 1206 --- cb ~3" below the black rim w a gentle 2" blooping boil.
20103 24 Oct 2021 @ 1743 --- MAB light center boil - 1in below sinter rim
20105 24 Oct 2021 @ 1605 24 Oct 2021 @ 1618 MAB higher water level about 8in down - strong dome center boils - then shifted to right of center boils
20108 24 Oct 2021 @ 1252 --- MAB down 1 ft - IE
20112 24 Oct 2021 @ 0933 --- MAB center boil - down 6in from sinter rim {NBK3 quiet no splashing}
20083 22 Oct 2021 @ 1732 --- MAB higher water - about 4in below dark sinter rim - white band seen earlier not visible
20085 22 Oct 2021 @ 1518 --- MAB below the lighter band - w center boil- twice in 5m there saw 1.5ft vertical push - not full pool boils but like a pointy wizards hat - water could be rising but hard to tell
20091 22 Oct 2021 @ 0903 --- MAB 6in below rim - ie center boil
20018 17 Oct 2021 @ 1723 --- MAB a ft low with clear center boil {NBK3 audible but no visible splashes}
20027 17 Oct 2021 @ 0915 --- MAB center boil from low water - down ~1ft {no water only steam seen from Spiny Springs Complex}
19948 10 Oct 2021 @ 1656 --- MAB nearly full - about 4in above high water mark
19952 10 Oct 2021 @ 0927 --- MAB full - hard to see boil
19897 05 Oct 2021 @ 1746 --- MAB still [or again] low
19904 05 Oct 2021 @ 0854 --- MAB strong boil and LOW
19877 03 Oct 2021 @ 1257 --- ypcaribou Water level began rising once again. Left area at 1320 with water level still rising with a gentle roil.
19876 03 Oct 2021 @ 1052 --- ypcaribou Water level dropped slightly (1/2"?) as Palpitator continued a rise to overflow. Water level continued to slowly drop with roils and gentle boils. At 1146 water was below bottom of light band and into black.
19875 03 Oct 2021 @ 0927 --- ypcaribou Began to rise again at 0927 once Palpitator had drained. 0938 first visible & audible splash (had been making waves prior but was too steamy to see roiling if there was any). Continued small roils and mediocre boils (no 1 ft boils like usual).
19874 03 Oct 2021 @ 0912 --- ypcaribou Dropped maybe an inch while Palpitator filled, bounced, & dropped. Began to rise again at 0927 once Palpitator had drained.
19873 03 Oct 2021 @ 0840 --- ypcaribou Upon arrival, was full to area at rim that turns gray when dry (thanks for that observation John!). Continued filling until 0912 when it dropped maybe an inch while Palpitator filled, bounced, dropped.
19709 23 Sep 2021 @ 0942 --- MAB quite full - too steamy to see boil
19613 16 Sep 2021 @ 1136 --- cb pool down 2". nice roiling/blooping boil to 4"
19619 16 Sep 2021 @ 0901 --- MAB down 8in - heard a guide say it was named due to employees daring one another to jump it
19529 13 Sep 2021 @ 1029 --- cb Blooping boil to 4".
19227 01 Sep 2021 @ 1628 --- MAB down 4in from inner rim with light boil - NBK3 Spiny Springs Complex to the west not IE as much as last time. Saw one airborne splash but could hear very strong boiling and grumbling
18994 22 Aug 2021 @ 1917 --- MAB Full, nice boil. NBK3 "Spiny Spring Complex" the 1980s name west of Fearless had 4 vents IE - clear water
18831 04 Aug 2021 @ 0856 --- MAB full w light boil
18738 30 Jul 2021 @ 0815 --- ypcaribou Full & doing 1 foot surges in middle
18324 09 Jul 2021 @ 1847 --- MAB full - strong boil - clear water
18335 09 Jul 2021 @ 0846 --- MAB over full - above inner rim
18276 05 Jul 2021 @ 1530 --- cb pool at high water mark w a vigorous roiling boil.
18257 03 Jul 2021 @ 1842 --- MAB Lower than this morn - about 6in below inner rim
18261 03 Jul 2021 @ 0850 --- MAB full w strong boil
18158 28 Jun 2021 @ 0836 --- MAB brim full
18087 25 Jun 2021 @ 1941 --- MAB 2in below rim
18090 25 Jun 2021 @ 1140 --- MAB down a foot from inner rim
17965 21 Jun 2021 @ 1432 --- CrisG full to bottom edge of inner black rim with nice boils.
17922 19 Jun 2021 @ 1903 --- MAB full above inner rim - vigorous boil
17930 19 Jun 2021 @ 0900 --- MAB Full
17803 15 Jun 2021 @ 1107 --- cb 6" below high water mark with a vigorous boil
17793 14 Jun 2021 @ 2101 --- MAB Full above inner rim
17798 14 Jun 2021 @ 0903 --- MAB 4in below inner rim - haven't mentioned yet the 'Chocolate Pots' west of Fearless have been seen IE regularly with clear water
17721 12 Jun 2021 @ 1844 --- MAB full to inner rim - ie - cleat
17730 12 Jun 2021 @ 0902 --- MAB 6in below inner rim
17459 04 Jun 2021 @ 1458 --- MAB Super Full - at or above inner rim
17461 04 Jun 2021 @ 0925 --- MAB down a foot from inner rim- clear boil
17358 01 Jun 2021 @ 2052 --- MAB 2 feet below inner rim
17349 01 Jun 2021 @ 0908 --- MAB 1 ft below inner rim - boil is moving water but too steamy to see boil height
17206 27 May 2021 @ 1951 --- MAB full above inner rim Palpitator empty and steamy
17210 27 May 2021 @ 0911 --- MAB down foot below inner rim w boil - Palpitator empty
17181 25 May 2021 @ 1842 --- MAB about an inch higher than this morn at inner rim w center boil - Palpitator empty
17184 25 May 2021 @ 0909 --- MAB nearly to inner rim - center boil - - Palpitator empty w a little steam
17139 19 May 2021 @ 1926 --- MAB nearly full w strong boil Palpitator empty
17140 19 May 2021 @ 0925 --- MAB water down 1 foot from rim with boil Palpitator full and IE
17122 17 May 2021 @ 2017 --- MAB Super full - center boil Palpitator empty still or again
17123 17 May 2021 @ 0929 --- MAB Full and boiling Palpitator empty
17023 09 May 2021 @ 1300 --- cb pool is low about 6" below water line and has a vigorous boil
14609 12 Jun 2020 @ 0628 --- ypcaribou Full to just below light gray at rim. Continuous roiling.
13937 13 Oct 2019 @ 1255 13 Oct 2019 @ 1448 ypcaribou 12:55 - Water level quite full to light gray. Dark inner band fully submerged. Mostly quiet pool with gentle bubbles. 12:58 - surge to maybe 6". 13:05 & 13:10 - larger bubbles, not quite full surge. 13:17 - water level dropped, very top of dark band just visible above water. 13:23 - surge to about 6" 13:24 - water level dropped more, light gray fully below water right side. 13:35 - angled stick on back side - tip just exposed above water. 13:50 - Tip of angled stick half way between water and top of dark inner band. 14:09 - Level at white band. Quiet with no bubbles. 14:14 - Lighter band at bottom of dark inner band exposed above water. About 1-2" of black below that also exposed. 14:23 - water rising, continuous roiling, water right at lighter band. 14:25 - Level below white band with dark showing. No bubbles. 14:35 - Big splash, broke surface, sustained for about a minute. 14:48 - Level still just below white line. Tiny bubbles in middle. [Palpitator almost full and palpitating whole time, water level rose to overflow by 14:48.] [One "service" schnauzer observed being carried by its owner about 14:02.]
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