Last Known Eruption
19y 304d 6h 7m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
30 Sep 2004 @ 11222.521h 46m
29 Sep 2004 @ 13362m 40s 2h 13m
29 Sep 2004 @ 11232m 30s 1y 73d 13h 56m
18 Jul 2003 @ 21271m 9d 10h 29m
09 Jul 2003 @ 10581.5m 17h 40m
08 Jul 2003 @ 17181m 42d 5h 18m
27 May 2003 @ 1200222d 1h 10m
17 Oct 2002 @ 10503m 131d 20h 9m
07 Jun 2002 @ 14413m 246d 5h 14m
04 Oct 2001 @ 09273m 5d 21h 39m
28 Sep 2001 @ 1148 A17h 41m
27 Sep 2001 @ 18074m 3d 23h 45m
23 Sep 2001 @ 18223m 6d 8h 22m
17 Sep 2001 @ 1000 A3d 18h 0m
13 Sep 2001 @ 1600 A2m 6y 15d 16m
31 Aug 1995 @ 154416d 8h 2m
15 Aug 1995 @ 07424d 20h 17m
10 Aug 1995 @ 1125 A1y 90d 20h 40m
11 May 1994 @ 1445 A8y 244d 14h 45m
11 Sep 1985 @ 0000>12m 3y 48d 8h 0m
25 Jul 1982 @ 1600 A1d 6h 30m
24 Jul 1982 @ 0930 A337d 17h 8m
20 Aug 1981 @ 1622 A11d 16h 22m
09 Aug 1981 @ 0000 A16h 0m
08 Aug 1981 @ 0800 A11h 37m
07 Aug 1981 @ 2023 ie2y 28d 20h 23m
11 Jul 1979 @ 0000 A8d 13h 20m
02 Jul 1979 @ 1040 A3y 305d 8m
01 Sep 1975 @ 1032352d 23h 30m
13 Sep 1974 @ 110219d 58m
25 Aug 1974 @ 10043.5m 5d 16h 19m
19 Aug 1974 @ 17453d 8h 27m
16 Aug 1974 @ 091823d 17h 18m
23 Jul 1974 @ 160040d 23h 50m
12 Jun 1974 @ 16104.5m 2d 20h 52m
09 Jun 1974 @ 1918251d 8h 11m
01 Oct 1973 @ 11071d 23h 17m
29 Sep 1973 @ 11502.5m 13d 59m
16 Sep 1973 @ 1051 ie5d 23h 55m
10 Sep 1973 @ 1056 A23h 56m
09 Sep 1973 @ 1100 ie18h 51m
08 Sep 1973 @ 16092m 38s 1d 4h 36m
07 Sep 1973 @ 113321h 33m
06 Sep 1973 @ 14003h 1m
06 Sep 1973 @ 10592.5m 1y 7d 19h 28m
29 Aug 1972 @ 153110d 4m
19 Aug 1972 @ 15272m 33s 1h 16m
19 Aug 1972 @ 14112m 33s 2h 23m
19 Aug 1972 @ 11481h 18m
19 Aug 1972 @ 10301h 14m
19 Aug 1972 @ 09163m 20s 32d 32m
18 Jul 1972 @ 084416d 14h 32m
01 Jul 1972 @ 18123m 273d 2h 12m
02 Oct 1971 @ 160012d 3h 34m
20 Sep 1971 @ 12265d 19h 25m
14 Sep 1971 @ 17013d 20h 30m
10 Sep 1971 @ 20311d 11h 21m
09 Sep 1971 @ 0910 ie2d 14h 12m
06 Sep 1971 @ 185849m
06 Sep 1971 @ 180945m
06 Sep 1971 @ 172449m
06 Sep 1971 @ 16356h 45m
06 Sep 1971 @ 0950 A

Interval Statistics

Interval Count62
Max8y 244d 14h 45m
Mean194d 19h 22m
Median5d 20h 32m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22271 01 Jul 2022 @ 1352 --- MAB dark green water 6in out from vent - warm day no steam
21094 26 Apr 2022 @ 1621 --- MAB steamy in the cold wind - dark greenish water
20110 24 Oct 2021 @ 0934 --- MAB very faint steam
19831 01 Oct 2021 @ 0916 --- MAB very light steam on a very cold morning
17141 19 May 2021 @ 0926 --- MAB water visible near vent - steamy - regret to say I didn't check it when Dog Leg had raised water level
16891 20 Apr 2021 @ 1518 --- MAB Water visible in the vent area but not a whiff of steam
16481 29 Oct 2020 @ 1145 --- MAB Steamy. Water visible but too steamy to see water color
4729 03 Jul 2000 @ 1800 --- research-mab 7/03/2000 NOTE: Orby is active, water in Rubble
4688 02 Aug 1987 @ 1800 --- research-mab 8/2/1987 Rubble Geyser shows run off.
4683 28 Aug 1984 @ 1800 --- research-mab 8/28/1984 Rubble (has erupted with run off eroding the walkway as far as Palpitator)
7601 11 Feb 1984 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/11/1984 “Fissure Geyser” 1971 {Rubble} 58ºC Seep discharge (est 1/8 gpm) All of the basin & vents are lined with 30-40cm long filimentous algae covered bacteria ranging from creamy white in the warmest portions to orange-brown-red like the color of an Irish setter dog.
4661 15 Nov 1981 @ 1800 --- research-mab 11/15/1981 Rubble The sneaky little devil waited until after Fred & I cleared out (in late Sept) its planned runoff channel & filled in the trench it has dug in the trail before it started erupting again. It has dug a wonderful 6” deep trench (that looks perfect for twisting ankles) down the middle of the trail toward Palpitator. The H20 is clear & 148º. It is currently active & erupting.
4660 10 Aug 1981 @ 1800 --- research-mab 8-10-81 Rubble must be erupting 2-3 times per day since the runoff channel is always wet & my markers are never there when I return. The path was wet almost all the way to Palpitator today so it must put out alot of water.
4657 05 Aug 1981 @ 1800 --- research-mab 8/5/1981 Rubble Geyser has erupted again! (no time listed)
4625 06 Jun 1981 @ 0000 --- research-mab 6/6/1981 Rubble Geyser – incredible filamentous bacteria waving back and forth, slight trickle of overflow 141ºF
4611 20 Sep 1980 @ 1800 --- research-mab 9/20/1980 Rubble Geyser – calm, no evidence of eruptions this summer. Long bacteria (white) streamers 143ºF
5079 09 Jun 1980 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/09/1980 Rubble Geyser – water in vent 139ºF, marker from one week ago still in place
5025 30 Jun 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/30/1979 Rubble had an eruption sometime recently.
5020 17 Jun 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/17/1979 Rubble (New Fissure) Geyser must emit goodly amounts of water judging from the runoff channel it is making in the trail.
5018 15 Jun 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/15/1979 New Fissure is washing out the trail – it has erupted two previous nights -also called Rubble Geyser
5014 30 May 1979 @ 1210 --- research-mab 05/30/1979 There has been recent runoff from “New Fissure” (or Rubble) Geyser near Corporal. Put a marker on it at 1210.
5258 25 Aug 1976 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/25/1976 Rubble Geyser has long strings of sulphur bacteria growing in both of its vents.
5269 31 Jul 1976 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/31/1976 Rubble Geyser - - has approximately 2-3 inches of water in two separate pools. Feature was seen completely dry during month of June.
5660 27 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/27/1975 Rubble Geyser – great deal of overflow from Rubble. The feature’s overflow has flooded the walk below the feature. Evidently this vigorous activity occurred last night or early this morning – { flooded because washout out channel near drain tile, channel now repaired}
5592 14 Jun 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/14/1975 Watched Rubble “erupt” ~ Area fills to overflowing. Heavy overflow before eruption. About the time overflow reaches the walk, the vent starts bubbling vigorously 6”-24”. Overflow becomes less. Activity stops after a minute or two and what what that remains drains down vent.
5860 07 Jun 1974 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/07/1974 Observed Dr Morey’s Porkchop, Vixen, Veteran and my “Rubble Geyser” (Hodie’s New Crater Geyser”) in eruption. {no times noted}
6161 18 Sep 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/18/1973 New Fissure Geyser – some water but low level as with Corporal and Veteran also. Marker of brown needles placed in runoff.
5975 29 Apr 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 04/29/1973 New 1971 Fissure in “eruption” with heavy discharge and splashing up to 2-3 feet in latter half of play. Was accompanied by discharge from Corporal Geyser. {no time}
6339 17 Jun 1972 @ 1415 --- research-mab 06/18/1972 On a tour of the Back Basin this afternoon (2:15-3:15) the following geysers were observed Echinus, Vixen, New Crevice (1’), Veteran (10’ up, 20-25’ out)
6568 07 Sep 1971 @ 1015 --- research-mab 09/07/1971 No activity out of either Dr. Morey’s Porkchop or Rick’s new thing {Rubble Geyser} when I checked at 10:15 this morning.
7683 06 Sep 1971 @ 0950 06 Sep 1971 @ 1900 research-mab 09/06/1971 A new thermal feature located about 48 feet north west of the west edge of Corporal Geyser’s pool apparently has increased in activity with much erosion during the night and its first known recent play occurring between 9:40 & 10:10 AM. This is probably an enlargement or extension of the “small {new} vent” which was reported to have started to play in July in the Norris Thermal record. The thermal feature is aligned on a NW-SE direction with Corporal & Dog’s Leg, apparently along a joint, with its greatest dimension in this direction. It is irregular in shape with its present measurements as follows: Length: 11’8” (starting under a “live” small green lodgepole pine on the N.W. to about 1 ½ feet beyond an old dead stump on the SE); width: varying from 34 to 72 inches, and maximum depth: 11 inches. Play was observed at 4:35, 5:24, 6:09, 6:58 (average interval ~~ 48 minutes). The play was preceded by increases in the amount of steam coming out of the ground, then a rapid filling and overflowing – starting first at the SE end, then spreading NW from other low points {filling phase lasting 40-60 seconds}. This was immediately followed by a vigorous boiling action throwing water, sand & geyserite chips to a height of 1 foot. “The eruption”, again starting & ending first at the SE end and starting & ending last at the NW end {duration: 2 minutes}. During the last 30-40 seconds of the play there is rapid draining of the water back into the ground finished off near the NW end by a final bubbling sound down below the surface. It is quite a sensation to set at the edge of the feature and feel the ground below you shaking vigorously! The bottom of the feature is made of small loose geyserite thin plates and porous tabular bodies of small geyserite fragments. R.A.H.
No attachments for this geyser.
Baseline does not exist.