Note 10948

Date/Time From:2019-02-15 @ 0000
Date/Time To:2019-02-17 @ 0500
Observer:YVO Echinus Logger
Time Entered:2019-02-17 10:35:15
Time Uploaded:2019-02-17 10:35:15
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Note:Larger-than-usual temperature fluctuations for approximately at least this timespan. Kind-of reminds me of the logger trace before its 2017-2018 active phase.

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No flags for this note. as seen on YVO's Echinus logger. Larger-than-usual fluctuations begin approximately at 0000 of 15 February (more like a gradual build-up) and reach their (initial) peak on February 16.Entrant: JarnoO
Time Entered:2019-02-17 10:38:05
Time Uploaded:2019-02-17 10:38:05
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