Note 5371

Date/Time:1989-09-13 @ 1800
Observer:1989 log
Time Entered:2017-08-25 19:13:26
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
Submitted to:
Note:9/13/1989 More info on Porkchop as per R. Hutchinson: Maximum ejecta: 66.1 meters to the south, 43.4 m to the north, 31.5 to the west, 25.6 m to the east. The largest piece is 1.88 m long; 1.23m by 11.7>m E→W the pool is 4m x 5 ½ m. and is about 2’ deep with boiling water. Porkchop began spouting ‘perpetually’ about 4 yr and 5 months ago.

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