Interval Count | 100 |
Min | 2h 14m |
Max | 13y 316d 2h 30m |
Mean | 106d 1h 27m |
Median | 6d 17h 48m |
Note ID | Start Time (US/Mountain) | End Time (US/Mountain) | Entrant | Note |
22322 | 04 Jul 2022 @ 1458 | --- | cb | pool low, below the sinter rim by a hair. no overflow, 2" blooping boil in the center. volor is blue. |
22376 | 01 Jul 2022 @ 1840 | --- | MAB | Flowing out the backside splitting east and west |
22212 | 29 Jun 2022 @ 1416 | --- | cb | Vibrant opalescent turquoise blue color. Occational bubble breaking the surface. overflowing in both directions. |
22120 | 25 Jun 2022 @ 1158 | --- | cb | no change |
22095 | 23 Jun 2022 @ 1748 | --- | cb | opalescent turquoise blue color, pool is just at the rim & slight overflow on both sides. no bubbles |
21611 | 31 May 2022 @ 1526 | --- | cb | in overflow on both sides. Turquoise in color. 1 small bubble centerish. |
21332 | 16 May 2022 @ 1128 | --- | Tara | Full and overflowing, water is turquoise color. |
21238 | 11 May 2022 @ 1620 | --- | MAB | full - a pretty light blue color w tiny center dots not enough to even call a tiny boil |
21092 | 26 Apr 2022 @ 1630 | --- | MAB | full - light blue |
21072 | 24 Apr 2022 @ 1557 | --- | DanS | Full and blue |
21017 | 18 Apr 2022 @ 1649 | --- | MAB | light blue - appeared to be an inch below the shelf but waters were flowing out the S - lots of wetness from last Tuesday storm who knows |
20303 | 04 Nov 2021 @ 1151 | --- | MAB | light blue - full and flowing out the back - the silica bog wraps around towards Second Erupter and makes a nice blue boggy scene but doesn't connect to 2nd Erupter channel |
20109 | 24 Oct 2021 @ 1241 | --- | MAB | full and overflowing - didn't walk much farther south but the waters in the silica bog from overflow have joined the Second Erupter channel and a little flows under the BW - Could just be extra H2O from snow - a later visit looked like it was maybe 1in down as seen from west - too hard to tell from north view |
20087 | 22 Oct 2021 @ 1350 | --- | MAB | blue with overflow out the backside then E to S Fork Tantalus and W to silica bog - bog wraps around to the N towards Second Erupter but isn't as full there |
20049 | 19 Oct 2021 @ 1326 | --- | cb | pool is high & overflowing on in both channels. color is turquoise blue with a wee bubble barely breaking the surface of the pool. |
20024 | 17 Oct 2021 @ 1218 | --- | MAB | full - pretty blue color w light center boil- still overflowing out the back w waters flowing E and W |
19901 | 05 Oct 2021 @ 1119 | --- | MAB | pearly blue color - light center boil - overflowing out the back to both east to So. Tantalus and the bog to the west |
19812 | 30 Sep 2021 @ 1306 | --- | cb | pool very high, at or above the scalloped edges, and in overflow on both sides. pool is a milky, opalescent turquoise blue color & steamy. |
19609 | 16 Sep 2021 @ 1054 | --- | cb | pool is high & in overflow on both sides. color is greenish with occational tiny bubbles breaking the surface. |
19622 | 16 Sep 2021 @ 0909 | --- | MAB | full - slight overflow out back side pooling to west |
19374 | 08 Sep 2021 @ 1154 | --- | Tara | calm with light bubbles, down .5" from rim |
18783 | 01 Aug 2021 @ 1038 | --- | cb | About an inch below the scalloped edges, blue un color with weird soapy looking foam floating in patches all over the top of the pool. |
18747 | 30 Jul 2021 @ 0750 | --- | ypcaribou | Quite full & milky blue |
18670 | 25 Jul 2021 @ 1740 | --- | cb | Pool is down 2" below the rim. not in overflow, green in color and slight bubble breaking the surface! |
18509 | 18 Jul 2021 @ 1108 | --- | cb | 2" of exposed sinter rim. not in overflow. 1" bubbles breaking the surface in the middle of the pool. color is sea foam green. |
18368 | 11 Jul 2021 @ 1508 | --- | cb | pool is turquoise blue, water level is high and it has a 2" bubble in the center. Overflowing on both sides. |
18330 | 09 Jul 2021 @ 1308 | --- | MAB | full blue and overflowing out the back end to the little terracettes - very light boil |
18279 | 05 Jul 2021 @ 1516 | --- | cb | Overflowing to the west. Opalescent blue in color with miniscule convection waves occationally coming from the center. |
18259 | 03 Jul 2021 @ 1747 | --- | MAB | full - more blue than green with a teeny tiny center boil |
18182 | 29 Jun 2021 @ 1342 | --- | cb | pool is up to the sinter rim, blue in color with a small bubble in the center. Overflowing to the west and a bit to the east > toward Echinus. |
18154 | 28 Jun 2021 @ 1659 | --- | MAB | Full with light center boil - more blue than green |
17925 | 19 Jun 2021 @ 1707 | --- | MAB | full to sinter shelf- green - minimal boil seen but windy |
17796 | 14 Jun 2021 @ 1729 | --- | MAB | water level higher than 6/12 at 4in below sinter rim - green color w a center boil |
17728 | 12 Jun 2021 @ 1558 | --- | MAB | water down ~8-10in below sinter shelf |
17572 | 08 Jun 2021 @ 1130 | --- | cb | Pool is down 3" - 4" below the rim of the pool. color is green with a 2-3" boil in the center. no overflow. |
17457 | 04 Jun 2021 @ 1508 | --- | MAB | water level 4" below sinter shelf- green |
17351 | 01 Jun 2021 @ 0915 | --- | MAB | green in color - down 2in from rim - light boil |
17274 | 30 May 2021 @ 1624 | --- | cb | pool is ~2" below overflow and has a good 2" blooping boil in the center. |
17094 | 13 May 2021 @ 1436 | --- | JarnoO | Thermistor changed between 1434 and 1436 MDT (logger is in MST). Per Mike Poland (YVO) in chat on 2021-05-14 2207 & 2209: "Just wanted to let everyone know that I put a new thermistor at Pork chop [sic]. The park geologists were saying that they were measuring temperatures of about 40 degrees [C]. When I changed the thermistor, the logger showed the same. I can't explain why that happened, but I suspect the Pork chop [sic] temperatures have been incorrect for at least a few months. I'll try to test the equipment in the next few days. Just wanted to let everyone know that the sudden change in Porkchop temperature is an equipment change, and the current temperature appears to be accurate." For context: before the thermistor was changed, it logged above 70°C. |
17044 | 11 May 2021 @ 1143 | --- | cb | Porkchop is barely in overflow to the west. nothing on the east side. color is hard to see but I'd say blue green with a small boil in the center. |
17026 | 09 May 2021 @ 1250 | --- | cb | color is a deep green, not overflowing with a small roiling boil in the center. |
17002 | 06 May 2021 @ 1301 | --- | MAB | Full - center boil - green |
16894 | 20 Apr 2021 @ 1543 | --- | MAB | Full, greenish water |
16397 | 10 Oct 2020 @ 1040 | --- | cb | Water level is high and is overflowing on both sides. Pool is a milky turquoise blue color with small occational bubble breaking the surface in the center. interesting is that the pool is "rocking" or small pulses that are sending small convection waves out toward the edge of the pool. |
16344 | 06 Oct 2020 @ 1257 | --- | cb | Pool very high and overflowing in both directions. Color is turquoise blue with 1 small area of convection left of center a tad. |
16268 | 26 Sep 2020 @ 1609 | --- | cb | pool is high with ping pong ball sized bubbles breaking the surface. overflowing on both sides. |
15698 | 23 Aug 2020 @ 0755 | --- | ypcaribou | Full, clearish milky blue |
15551 | 13 Aug 2020 @ 1102 | --- | cb | pool is calm, overflowing on both sides and a interesting color of milky blue |
14948 | 10 Jul 2020 @ 1450 | --- | cb | pool is high, blue in color & overflowing with a few bubbles popping the surface |
14505 | 01 Jun 2020 @ 1821 | --- | ypcaribou | Full to brim, colloidal milky blue |
14004 | 03 Nov 2019 @ 1120 | --- | MAB | opalescent blue color overflowing south and east sides. runoff cuts thru snow exposing the neat little terracing |
13930 | 12 Oct 2019 @ 1255 | --- | cb | Pool is turquoise blueish. water level is high and in overflow in both directions with occational blips ti 1". |
13574 | 05 Sep 2019 @ 0945 | --- | cb | pool is high, overflowing on both sides, 1" bubbles breaking the surface and is lighter green in color. |
13490 | 01 Sep 2019 @ 0901 | --- | cb | pool high. in overflow on both sides. no bubbles |
13388 | 25 Aug 2019 @ 0702 | --- | ypcaribou | Nicely full and blue |
13250 | 14 Aug 2019 @ 1556 | --- | cb | pool is high, blue, in weak overflow with bubbles breaking the surface in the center. |
13162 | 11 Aug 2019 @ 0844 | --- | RMichaels | Overflowing with occasional bubbles. |
13128 | 09 Aug 2019 @ 0904 | --- | cb | pool is high, turquoise blue in color with 2" diameter bubbles breaking the surface in the center. light overflow. |
12999 | 03 Aug 2019 @ 0858 | --- | cb | pool is down a inch from the rim. milky turquoise blue in color with a small 2" bubbler in the middle. |
12973 | 02 Aug 2019 @ 1400 | --- | MAB | down 1 inch from sinter rim- green yellow color - bloops in center |
12925 | 01 Aug 2019 @ 1119 | 01 Aug 2019 @ 1124 | cb | pool has a small boil in the center, 1 - 2" in height, and the pool is down 1/2" from the rim. Both overflow channels only extend 3 feet from the crater. channels are mostly dry. |
12892 | 31 Jul 2019 @ 0926 | --- | cb | color is a opalescent turquoise blue, pool is just below the rim and steamy. Second eruptor is pushing out water in waves and its basin is high, not quite overflowing. |
12844 | 28 Jul 2019 @ 0700 | --- | ypcaribou | Very full and overflowing into runoff channel to S. Fullest this observer has seen it since Spring 2018. |
12543 | 20 Jul 2019 @ 1257 | --- | cb | pool is high; up to the rim. beautiful blue color. a few bubbles that break the surface in the middle. |
12099 | 03 Jul 2019 @ 1040 | --- | cb | has not changed. water level is at the rim with sporadic bubbles from the center that break the surface. Back runoff channel is dry. |
12084 | 02 Jul 2019 @ 1858 | --- | nails | Down an inch or so and not overflowing. Greenish color and occasional bubbles. |
12025 | 29 Jun 2019 @ 0845 | --- | cb | pool is high and in slight overflow off of the backside (SW). Tis green in color with bubbles near the center. |
11853 | 17 Jun 2019 @ 0845 | --- | udo | Water level about 6-8" below rim. Much less steam (cooler) than nearby features. |
11822 | 16 Jun 2019 @ 0853 | --- | cb | water level is 8" below the rim and is a stagnant greenish color. |
11753 | 12 Jun 2019 @ 0947 | --- | MAB | greenish water just visible - about 15 in doen |
11616 | 07 Jun 2019 @ 0911 | --- | CrisG | Crater remains empty. Light whispy steam on this cold morning. |
11419 | 29 May 2019 @ 0926 | --- | cb | Water is visable! 6" below the rim. water is greenish color |
11370 | 26 May 2019 @ 1030 | --- | TheHikingDude | Still empty at 10:30 |
11352 | 26 May 2019 @ 0601 | --- | ypcaribou | No water visible in crater |
11349 | 25 May 2019 @ 0749 | --- | TSBryan | water not visible from boardwalk |
11315 | 22 May 2019 @ 0650 | --- | Kyle | water barely visible in crater, approx. 1 ft down. only the slightest of steam. water is a brownish color and calm |
11322 | 21 May 2019 @ 0925 | --- | Kyle | no water visible. no real steam |
11282 | 20 May 2019 @ 0835 | --- | Kyle | no water visible. no steam on a snowy steamy morning |
11120 | 01 May 2019 @ 1132 | --- | cb | no water visible in pool. down at least a foot. Second Erupter calm, steamy. |
11109 | 27 Apr 2019 @ 0731 | --- | ypcaribou | Pool was full to rim |
11086 | 26 Apr 2019 @ 1248 | --- | cb | pool is high and just a hair below the scalloped ridges. A few bubbles in the center of the pool. Second Erupter is quiet with a full pool. |
11057 | 23 Apr 2019 @ 1110 | --- | MAB | Full to the thin sinter ledges on edges. Unable to discern color in the flat light |
11052 | 22 Apr 2019 @ 0000 | 23 Apr 2019 @ 0500 | JarnoO | Trace gradually rose between these times from ~40°C to a near-stable ~77°C. From ~1330-onwards the temperature barely fluctuated: lowest ~75½°C @ ~1545, highest ~78½°C @ ~0455. |
10994 | 19 Apr 2019 @ 0950 | --- | RMichaels | No water visible in crater. |
19298 | 19 Apr 2019 @ 0925 | --- | research-mab | 19 Apr 2019 @ 0925 RMICHAELS PORKCHOP See Note under Steamboat Boardwalk to Steamboat is open. Steamboat very quiet. Only occasional splashing from either vent. South Vent runoff channel completely dry. Cistern in light overflow with one boil in center. Suspect there may be ongoing disturbance affecting at least the back basin because two features near Orby were having muddy eruptions. Porkchop also had no water in it. I didn't do a full tour of the back basin but it appeared from a casual glance that many typically quiet features were erupting or had more water than usual. I spaced out looking at Emerald to see if it was cloudy/boiling. I believe others made more detailed observations. |
10981 | 14 Apr 2019 @ 0500 | --- | JarnoO | No drop in temperature per the logger. Between 40°C and 50°C during the night. |
10978 | 12 Apr 2019 @ 2230 | 13 Apr 2019 @ 0745 | JarnoO | 3rd day of temperature dropping to near-ambient at night. Onset ~2230, from ~37°C to - ~10°C in a ~quarter. At ~45°C around 0745, needing what seems to be more than an hour to get to there from near-ambient. Would almost think Porkchop has developed a diurnal nature, though this would need in-basin confirmation I'd imagine. |
10977 | 11 Apr 2019 @ 2115 | 12 Apr 2019 @ 0800 | JarnoO | Logger trace began dropping @ ~2115 from ~32°C to ~ -10°C (~ambient temperature per Nuphar Lake Logger) over a span of what seems to be less than ~15 minutes. Still near-ambient @ ~0500 (logger trace end). At ~57°C around 0800. Took more than what seems to be two hours to get there from near-ambient. |
10975 | 10 Apr 2019 @ 2045 | 11 Apr 2019 @ 0200 | JarnoO | During this time the logger measured air temperature rather than Porkchop's. Drop of about 15 minutes beginning @ ~2045 from ~32°C to near-ambient of ~—10°C (per Nuphar Lake logger) followed by 45-60-minute increase beginning @ ~0200 from ~—10°C to ~30°C around 0200. |
10724 | 04 Nov 2018 @ 1145 | --- | MAB | Overflowing out the south side, not even hard to see as it cut a path through the snow! Pooling and cooling near the boardwalk in the trees, and not reaching farther north. |
10677 | 28 Oct 2018 @ 1511 | --- | MAB | Porkchop still overflowing to the south, but not as heavily as last week. The west side still pools by the boardwalk in the trees but doesn't continue northerly to the Second Erupter channel. The east side still drains down into the Gray Lakes channel of Tantalus. On my first visit in the morning I didn't see steam in that channel, but later in the day could see water. |
10658 | 22 Oct 2018 @ 1400 | --- | MAB | Full, overflowing to the south. Runoff goes two directions, one leg east towards the Gray Lakes branch of Tantalus, the other leg flows west to puddle near the boardwalk in the trees, then curves north to join Second Erupter's runoff channel near the boardwalk crossing. |
10448 | 25 Sep 2018 @ 1737 | --- | cb | water level is high. up to the rim |
10182 | 13 Sep 2018 @ 1300 | --- | cb | down about 1" from rim |
9935 | 29 Aug 2018 @ 1850 | --- | cb | About 2" below the rim. calm, no boil. Second Erupter has water sloshing around the rim and splashing 6" above the rim |
9903 | 28 Aug 2018 @ 1010 | --- | cb | down about 3" from the rim. floating bubbles. no boil |
9871 | 25 Aug 2018 @ 0930 | --- | cb | still down about 6", calm, greenish color with a few small bubbles floating on the top |
9831 | 22 Aug 2018 @ 1813 | --- | cb | Down 10" from the rim. slight occasional single bubble in the center. Water in the feature at the base has visible water spray to 4" above the crater. |
9757 | 17 Aug 2018 @ 1812 | --- | MAB | Water level still down several inches; water remains weird green color. No boiling seen; numerous floating bubbles on the surface. |
9612 | 10 Aug 2018 @ 1410 | --- | MAB | My eyes, brain and memory said 2-4" below the sinter rim, but photos show more like 6" down. Water is Greenish in color. |