Note 6153

Date/Time:1973-09-17 @ 1800
Observer:1973 log
Time Entered:2017-09-09 11:43:49
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
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Note:09/17/1973 Echinus in the last couple days has taken a pattern of long eruptions (~ 4 ½ min.) and long intervals between (66-67 min). The water fills the basin very slowly, steadily, quietly. In the last 5 min of water-filling, slowing increasing bubbling is noted & small waves across the pool are only in last few minutes. After 3 ½ min of the eruption, there is a quieting as of threatening to quit; then for another minute, burst still come but with not quite the force (&high) as the previous minutes. Draining still is down 4-5 ft. in depth.

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